Keeping the High Watch

Keeping the High Watch

Adapted from Frank B. Whitney, Founder of Unity’s Daily Word

After entering the high watchtower of spiritual consciousness, one is enabled to view all things and all conditions as God sees them. The necessity for the high watch is even greater when the occasion is most alarming to human view. In fact we may take it as our role of action and know that when sin, disease, or lack present the most convincing appearance of its reality and power, then the call is most urgent to go up into the mountain and pray.

A thousand adverse arguments are put to flight by one commanding realization of Truth. It is remarkable how quickly the spiritual consciousness unmasks and dethrones that which previously has seemed a source of fear and annoyance. Un-regenerated humans live in a world filled with people, things, and circumstances they have empowered to frighten and dominate. Nothing can worry them if through Truth, they are enabled to ascent to the high watch.

The first thing that must go is the inclination to wonder how conditions or circumstances, came to be what they are and just where one has fallen short in one’s practice and demonstration. Probably the greatest mistake made by Truth students, when results have not come as expected, has been their attempt to unmask error, to search deep for the psychological cause. If the student is exercising the high vision, he is not permitting himself to sink into the utterance of negation. The Truth student stands witness to the presence of Christ. One cannot expect relief to come when the vision is on that which one would erase.

To countenance a thing is to establish its presence and power in consciousness. To behold the presence and power of God is to annihilate belief in the existence of adverse conditions and to realize that there never was and never will be anything but omnipotent good. This is the method Jesus used. It is the science and the philosophy whereby His followers are doing His works in His name and by His authority. When Jesus turned the searchlight of His spiritual understanding upon the shadows of ignorance, superstition, and fear, the light cleared the consciousness of the people about Him and they, too, were able to see themselves as He saw them – perfect and whole. His power to see perfect people instead of people with withered arms, fevers, or demons, lifted them to His consciousness and the old beliefs were dislodged from their minds. No one could stand in the Christ presence and retain a consciousness of personal limitations if they were willing to let go.

Limited vision sees limited things. It is this practice that causes one person to see another as subject to limitation. It causes another to see some situation as warped and distorted. Exercising limited vision upon things persistently, causes that which is insignificant to appear enlarged and conspicuous. In fact, the play of limited vision upon anything will cause it to assume the most gigantic proportions in a person’s world, and all his thoughts will be centered on and about it. This aberrant vision is peculiar to the person who exercises it. It may be proved to be so because what is magnified and aggravating to one person does not attract attention on the part of another person. Unless the vision is broad and clear, the conception concerning a person or event will be narrow and blurred.

With use, spiritual vision becomes strengthened and clearer to the individual. The better one understands Truth the easier it is to behold people and things according to Truth. Although the visual sense is beyond mental reasoning and argument, the vision cannot be high and noble if the mind is still charged with false impressions. The undisciplined student is inclined to be passive. Outer experiences appear discolored by the senses and by false education. The disciplined student is master of this visual faculty and sees the Truth devoid of all limitations in manifestation.

If we are tempted to lower our vision after Truth has been presented clearly to us, and we know the power of seeing correctly, our natural impulse is to watch and pray. From the lighthouse of Truth, we can look out upon troubled waters and say, “Peace, be still,” knowing that the waves of adversity are silenced by our spiritual authority. The Watcher over all things in the universe watches with us. Of Him it has been said: “You are of purer eyes than to behold evil …” If the Divine Watcher beheld evil, if he saw the halt, the blind, and the dead, then man created after the image of God would be imperfect. Since He has made humanity perfect by His own perfect consciousness, that creation is perfect. It is through this holy vision that the Watcher looks with spiritual vision and maintains peace.

When we become co-workers with God in the high watch, we too see with “purer eyes” back of all vision. When anyone is suffering physical or mental torment because of seeing evil and falsehood and hate, the co-worker with God has power to lift him up to Christ, the Truth of God.

I Behold The Christ In You.

I behold the Christ in you,
Here the life of God I see;
I can see a great peace, too,
I can see you whole and free.

I behold the Christ in you,
I can see this as you walk;
I see this in all you do,
I can see this as you talk.

I behold God’s love expressed,
I can see you filled with power;
I can see you ever blessed,
See Christ in you hour by hour.

I behold the Christ in you,
I can see that perfect One;
Led by God in all you do,
I can see God’s work is done.

Frank B. Whitney